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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Our Friend, Betty

Our dear friend, Betty, just took Jesus by the hand.

They are on their way to the promised land.

On her cello, she has played songs about this walk,

And now, probably before she was really ready, She will talk,

Of all her friends she's left behind, who will always have her on their minds.

She was a lady of no pretenses,

She loved everyone - young or old - in her presence.

Coming from her soul, was music of bow and strings,

Filling us with the joy that her music could bring.

Betty, we know you have found how beautiful heaven can be,

With the hosts of angels you can now see.

While we sing of all the angel's bands,

We know you are there, enjoying them first-hand.

We all love you and will miss you more than words can say,

Especially when your favorite melodies we play.

Whether it be Shenandoah, or the Water Is Wide,

We know, with Him you now abide.

Betty Onyett was found in her home on Wednesday, February 11th where she had died of natural causes earlier. She lived in Paris, Ohio during the time I knew her, but she was a Methodist minister's daughter, so undoubtedly lived in many places during her lifetime. She was a musician, poet, and teacher, and tells of many of her life experiences in wonderful writings called Starshine Stories, at
These little writings show such a sense of humor, and tell so much about her. At the end of one of them, she says:

Going up. Going down.

Hey…maybe birth and learning a few lessons the hard knocks way are the quivering and shuddering part. If so, been there, done that.

So when I leave this earth, I'm going to float away like a feather, coasting home. But if I need to, I'll ask to hold What's-His-Name's hand.

Betty hosted many, many Music in Paris jams in her home, where my husband, Ken, and I and several of our grandchildren really got to know her. Many of her church friends were always there to share a musical evening.

JOHN 11:25 NKJ
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.

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