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Thursday, August 25, 2011

90 Degrees and Rising

Here I sit, on a day in the 90's,
Remembering the cool days of Spring.
When breezes carried the aroma of flowers,
And promised to end winter's sting.

The humming of fans, herald summer's hot days,
As the fiery sun heats with its blaze.
Thirsty plants long for a long summer's rain,
And ponds evaporate into haze.

I wonder about animals we watched in the winter,
What sanctuary have they found?
Where is a cool spot in all of this heat-
The thicket, the pine grove, a hole in the ground?

The deer we've befriended, stay out of sight.
We see rabbits and chipmunks, but that's about all.
Guess they're waiting for a break in the weather
Hopefully, long before it is fall.

But the wrens I watch - feeding little ones now,
Don't seem to mind the heat of the day,
In a little house with no shade at all,
They feed their young, no heed to pay.

What a marvelous God designed such a world,
With love such as His, we can't despair. 

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